Assisting in the creation of a new brand, or a brand refresh is one of the most exciting projects we do for our clients. It’s a chance to fully examine a brand, explore its characteristics, and identify or redefine its personality. Depending on the client’s needs, the process can be simple or complex but, in all instances, it assists in developing a cohesive brand narrative that helps to define or redefine an organization or company. Every detail matters, and it’s exciting to know that the end result will shape the brand’s future, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and driving the brand’s success.

Throughout the years, Hunter Johnsen has had the pleasure of working with numerous clients on creating their brand, or updating and refreshing their brand.

One important step that can assist in making a first impression – or in the case of a rebrand, a ‘new first impression’ – is the creation of a brand introduction. It is designed to encapsulate the brand, and in some instances it can be designed to explain the company’s core values, mission, vision, and the unique attributes that differentiate it from competitors. Whether you’re unveiling your new identity to your team, clients, suppliers, or the media, a well-crafted brand introduction ensures that the message about who you are as a company is clear, consistent, and compelling.

For internal teams, it serves as a roadmap, guiding employees in understanding and embracing the brand’s new direction. It empowers them to become ambassadors of the brand, aligning their actions and communications with the brand’s core values and mission. Externally, for clients and suppliers, it can maintain awareness and even strengthen trust as they see the clear rationale and vision behind the changes.