Desert Town Hall recently announced the lineup for the 2025 season of their premier speaker series, now in its 33rd year. The series brings world-renowned leaders, media personalities, and icons to the stage, offering attendees a unique opportunity to hear firsthand from experts who shape the world.

The season kicks off on January 16 with Dan Buettner, an acclaimed National Geographic Fellow and best-selling author known for his work on longevity and happiness. Buettner’s research on the Blue Zones—regions where people live longer, healthier lives—has garnered international attention and influenced wellness practices worldwide. His talk is expected to offer insights into living a longer, more fulfilling life, making it a must-see event for health enthusiasts and those seeking a deeper understanding of well-being.

On February 7, the series welcomes Stephen Harper, the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada. Known for his economic policies and leadership during the global financial crisis, Harper will provide an insider’s view on global politics and economic strategies. His experience and expertise in navigating complex international issues will offer a fascinating perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the world today.

March 4 brings celebrated author and journalist Mitch Albom to the stage. Albom is best known for his best-selling books, including “Tuesdays with Morrie” and “The Five People You Meet in Heaven.” His storytelling prowess and ability to touch the human spirit will captivate the audience as he shares his journey as a writer and the life lessons he has learned along the way. Attendees can expect an inspiring evening that reflects on the power of storytelling and human connection.

The season concludes on March 31 with Megyn Kelly, a prominent journalist and host of The Megyn Kelly Show known for her fearless reporting and interviews. Kelly will discuss her experiences in the media industry, offering insights into the changing landscape of news and journalism. Her candid approach and in-depth analysis of current events will provide audiences with a thought-provoking and informative evening.

Season tickets for Desert Town Hall start at just $425 for all four speakers. Desert Forum, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational corporation, produces Desert Town Hall.  The lecture series is sponsored by a number of local companies, organizations and philanthropic individuals.

Hunter Johnsen is honored to work with the Desert Town Hall team, creating the marketing and communications materials for the speaker series – from digital (website, banner ads, e-blasts) and speaker introductory videos, TV, radio, and print ads, to direct mail pieces, brochures, and other event day materials.
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