In the news

CVEP’s Annual Summit Becomes the Premier Business Event of the Valley

In the Fall of 2004, we approached the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) to assist them with the event marketing of their annual event, featuring Economist, Dr. John Husing. The success of the Event has been overwhelming and, in the first two years, the event grew from initially attracting 30 attendees in 2005, to a half-day event with almost 800 attending in [...]

2020-05-22T21:17:07+00:00October 23rd, 2017|In the news|

Ironwood Country Club’s New Look, New Attitude

Ironwood Country Club approached our team in the summer of 2014 to create an image/brand awareness campaign. Following an extensive review of recent research, the agency worked closely with the Ironwood team, taking them through the brand discovery process. Soon thereafter, the campaign “Discover the Spirit of Ironwood” was created. We began with an overall rebrand and a redesign of the website. [...]

2019-12-07T01:32:56+00:00October 22nd, 2017|In the news|

Santa Monica Baykeeper Transforms to LA Waterkeeper

Working closely with Santa Monica Baykeeper as they transitioned to become Los Angeles Waterkeeper, the Hunter|Johnsen team created a new logo and identity – in addition to all of the event marketing for their annual fundraiser “Making Waves.” Additional communications included collateral materials and special event displays. The event continues to be LA Waterkeeper’s largest annual fundraiser, raising funds to protect and [...]

2020-05-22T21:16:45+00:00October 22nd, 2017|In the news|

Alaska Denali Travel Gets a Makeover

Alaska Denali Travel had a disorganized brand architecture and multiple brands that did not work in harmony – and they knew they needed help. Working with Salt Marketing, a full brand audit was conducted and all business units were re-branded and in some cases re-named. A new logo and brand standards were created to tie in with sister-company Brewster Travel Canada, to [...]

2020-05-22T21:16:36+00:00October 22nd, 2017|In the news|

Brewster Travel Canada – Rebranded

Working with Salt Marketing, the Brewster Travel Canada brand was re-imagined. Following a comprehensive brand audit, the Hunter|Johnsen team completed a re-brand of the overall Brewster Travel Canada business including hotels, attractions, travel planning and transportation divisions. […]

2019-12-07T01:34:49+00:00October 22nd, 2017|In the news|
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